Thursday, 14 July 2016

Review: Montagne Jennesse: 7th Heaven

I am seriously a sucker for peel-off masks. With the horror that seems to be constant oily skin; although my mother keeps telling me to be forever appreciative for my on-going oiliness since in older age it will most likely become my best friend. “You know, keeping those wrinkles at bay” she zealously tells me. But having oily skin from the minute you hit puberty kinda sucks. That combined with the open pores, sensitive skin and spots are a nightmare for any teenager. Over the last two years however, I have noticed an improvement in my skin. So I guess my hormones are finally beginning to calm down a little?

That being said, you can never be too sure when the next flare up could take place. So, to keep my skin felling that little bit cleaner, I occasionally use peel off face masks from the brand Montagne Jennesse. I guess the sensation of pulling something off of the skin is too appealing to pass up!

*Sidenote: They also make masks that you can wash off the face, and beauty treatments for the body, feet and hair.

The drying time is only 20 to 25 minutes, but I keep it on for around 30 because the tightening does feel really good! It’s convenient as unlike mud masks or any masks where water, a towel or a cotton pad is needed to remove the product; there is no mess and no fuss. Just peeling the product off the skin and throwing it away. 

Carla Creary xo